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logging operation manager
  招聘人数   发布企业
  5   加林森林工业有限公司
  性别要求   其他要求
  男   到南美圭亚那工作,英文流利,相关工作经验两年以上
  发布时间   有效期
  2006/6/1 12:39:17   2006/6/30
  联系方式   学历要求
  有意者请发E-MAIL到:jalinghk@yahoo.com.cn,合则约见,谢谢!   本科或以上
   He is directly responsible for the log production, Felling & Bucking, Skidding and hauling. Likewise, he will be always coordinating with the Survey & Planning Department in the allocation of Harvesting Block, Block Closures, Monitoring and movements of his Skidding Teams. Also, he is responsible for the Log Pond Scaling & Grading, log loading and barging. He is working under the supervision of the Forest Manager.
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