首页 >>> 报名参与

  第一步   第二步   第三步    

          (2)The exhibition flow for international member
  The First step   The Second step   The Third step  
  1. 如果您还不是我们的会员,请先注册成为会员以便在展会上发布您的产品。
2 .如果您已经是我们的会员,国内会员请在国内展会流程报名参加展会,国际会员请在国际展会流程内报名参加展会。
3. 报名后,请发布您的产品。
4. 不可发布过期\无效\欺诈等内容.
5. 报名时请认真填写每一项内容预防发生错误

1. If you haven't been the member of our website, please register first in order to release your products in the exhibition.
2. If you have been the member of our website, the domesdic member please sign up in the domesdic exhibition hall, the international member please sign up in the international exhibition hall.
3. Please release your products after activation.
4. Please don't release the products which are expired \invalid/phony      and so on.
5. Please fill in each content earnestly When activating to avoid      mistakes.


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