Discussing the causes and effects of the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic as well as looking at what can be done to preserve the future of the forest industry and communities in the north are all part of the Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemic presentation that Northern Forest Education Manager Chris Lear has just recently taken to high schools in Quesnel, Burns Lake, Vanderhoof and Fort St James.
The presentation really opens the students' eyes to the magnitude of this epidemic and allows them to understand just how potentially devastating it is. After the presentation, students left with a new understanding of the challenges facing the forest industry and communities in west-central BC as they try to manage the infested forests now and in the future.
"The photo, graphs and hands-on example were very powerful. This presentation is essential to interior, forest-based towns!"
Moira Burgis Teacher, Quesnel Secondary
For more information contact: Chis Lear, Forest Education Manager, COFI Northern Operations by phone: 250-564-5136 or e-mail: lear@cofi.org
Or go to the COFI website: www.cofi.org and click on the COFI Northern Operations Forest Education Website icon (the Moose) on the lower right hand side.